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Welcoming Our Partner Organisation, Sparc

Sparc is one of two Child Care Institutions (CCIs) under the umbrella organization Jeevodaya Society.

Located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, the Jeevodaya Society has been working with railway children since 1999 under the leadership of Sister Clara. Madhya Pradesh has the third largest railway junction in India, with many children living on its train platforms. The children are usually without parents, runaways, or abandoned by their families. Their situation forces them to sell tobacco pouches, polish shoes, or steal from the trains – anything that will earn them enough to buy a meal for the day.

In 1992, Sister Clara witnessed a train passenger abusing a boy at the railway junction. The passenger publicly scolded him in a particularly brutal way after having been soiled by the boy’s dirty clothes. The incident deeply moved Clara.

In 1999, Sister Clara began teaching children in a small classroom on the railway platform, attempting to engage the children living there with poetry, storytelling, English, and math lessons. She also opened bank accounts on their behalf to save whatever money they had earned.

In 2001, Sister Clara received overwhelming support to open a CCI specifically for boys. She named the CCI Sparc.

Miracle Foundation began supporting Sparc in December 2014. Home to 34 bright boys, Sparc has a sprawling campus with plenty of space for the kids to play. The boys are supported by amazing staff members and caretakers who help them grow into educated and responsible young men. They walk with their heads held high and their confidence speaks to the values that Sister Clara has instilled in them. The boys are excited about their bright futures and are always dreaming of ways to make it even better.

With the help of Miracle Foundation, Sister Clara is improving the quality of life for these children. Using our holistic approach, we provide Sparc with houseparents to create a loving, family environment. We also hired a skilled social worker to provide guidance and counseling to the housemothers and their children. In order to promote healthy lifestyles, we provide clean water, nutritious food, and regular health check-ups and vaccinations. Furthermore, we conduct education interventions and provide life skills education for the kids. We are determined to give the boys everything they need to thrive.

We look forward to continuing to work with Sparc’s incredible leadership and staff. We are thrilled to take you along on this journey!

Miracle Foundation