Thrive Scale

Measuring Progress

A tool that ensures children are safe and permanently in a family.

Good intentions are not enough.
At Miracle Foundation India, we use evidence to drive our decisions and ensure that all children thrive.

To do this, we utilize our Thrive Scale™ methodology, a revolutionary application that allows us to measure progress and assess risk at every stage of our work. The Thrive Scale™ focuses on five well being domains: Physical & Mental Health, Education, Family & Social Relationships, Home Finances and Living Conditions.

Developed over the past two decades, this one-of-a-kind tool takes the guesswork out of caring for children, especially during the critical period after a child leaves an orphanage and returns to a family environment.

Understanding how the Thrive Scale™ is used: Priya’s story

Priya was born in rural India in the state of Maharashtra. Her father died when she was only 6 years old and her struggling mother could not support the family. In an act of desperation and self-less love, she placed her three young girls in an orphanage, hoping they would have a better life.

Priya and her sister lived at this orphanage for seven long years until a Miracle Foundation staff member asked them one critical question:

“Is there anyone you would feel safe going home to live with?”

Of the 70 children at the orphanage, all 70 could name a safe individual and--once contacted–all 70 had relatives come to discuss the next steps. In Priya’s case, it was her grandmother who showed up, eager to have the children home again.

This is where the Thrive Scale™ goes to work. Home studies from social workers evaluate the state of Priya’s living environment. Using a phone-based app and a series of measurable markers, a baseline condition is established and needs are assessed. From the quality of the school to the location of the nearest hospital, no area of health, education or wellness is overlooked.

In Priya’s case, her grandmother’s home needed a new roof, beds,  mattresses,  and furniture,  and support paying for school transportation fees, access to wi-fi, and school supplies.

On average, it costs $1260 to complete this process for and support a child as they return home. Ironically, it costs four times that to keep a child in an orphanage.

Once settled, Miracle Foundation social workers follow up with Priya and reevaluate her placement and Thrive Scale™ score on a quarterly basis, taking note of successes and working to enhance areas that need improvement.

It’s a process that unfolds over 36 months to ensure each child is safe and permanent home where they belong.

To keep updated on how the Thrive Scale™ and other tools are used by us in making sure children are safe and protected, subscribe to our Monthly Update

Miracle Foundation