A Family for Every Child in Our Lifetime
Children Belong In Families
Miracle Foundation India is part of a global network of non-profit organizations leading the worldwide movement to end the need for Child Care Institutions in our lifetime. Our work keeps children at the center of our programmes, to ensure they live safe, meaningful and productive lives, all through to their adulthood.

We believe in the Sustainable Development Goals and we focus on Poverty, Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work & Economic Growth and Partnership for the Goals. Along with many other active entities, we are working everyday towards Agenda 2030.

No Poverty
We work to link families to available resources and services offered by local authorities and the Government.

Quality Education
We ensure all children we work with are attending school. We provide tablets and supplies for remote learning if necessary, and follow up to ensure good learning outcomes.

Gender Equality
We work to ensure that all girls are treated with the same care shown to boys. This involves eliminating forced and child marriages and monitoring safety. We actively promote girls’ and womens’ participation in our programmes.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
In all that we do, we recognize the dignity of work and the power of opportunity. This includes providing career counseling for those who need it and connecting to job opportunities for caregivers.

Partnership for the Goals
We create and nurture partnerships with like-minded organisations towards creating and actioning solutions towards our vision.

The Global Goals
We believe in the Sustainable Development Goals and we focus on Poverty, Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work & Economic Growth and Partnership for the Goals. Along with many other active entities, we are working everyday towards Agenda 2030.