Stories and Blogs

From Hardship to Hope: Punit’s Journey of Resilience and Renewal

Punit (name changed), now 23, who embarked on and conquered a challenging chapter in his life to pursue his entrepreneurial goals in hotel management. His story is certainly one that’s marked with resilience!

In 2008, with the untimely demise of his father at the tender age of nine and his mother grappling with health issues, Punit and his younger brother found refuge in the care of their uncle who was already navigating financial distress. Seeking stability and educational opportunities, both the brothers were admitted into a Child Care Institution (CCI) – a tough but inevitable decision for the boys! Punit’s elder brother continued to stay with the mother.

Punit’s entry into the CCI transcended mere academics. After a point, it started to become a lifeline for him. During his 12-year-long stay there, he underwent comprehensive training on education, life skills, health and nutrition, besides counseling, which over time seamlessly integrated into his daily routine.

When Miracle Foundation India’s team started working with the CCI towards reintegrating children back into families, it was time for this young, zealous adult to return home too. Family reintegration commenced with an orientation for Punit’s uncle and mother on the need for children to grow up within the family in order for them to truly thrive. The team also facilitated treatment for Punit’s mother by linking the family to the Ayushman health insurance scheme.

As Punit pursues his final year of BBA in Hotel Management at a college in Indore today, his commitment mirrors personal and professional growth. Furthermore, while his elder brother now runs a successful food stall, his mother is working at a medicine factory, thanks to her improving health. Renovations of the house have significantly improved the family’s living conditions, promising an enhancement in their quality of life. Actively contributing to his brother’s business, Punit now aspires to open his own restaurant, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit and ambition.

Punit’s journey stands as a powerful testament to the interventions made possible through collaborative efforts. It underscores the potential for positive change when communities, institutions and individuals join hands to create opportunities for children to lead safe, healthy and better lives.

Miracle Foundation