Stories and Blogs

Day 6 Rourkela!

So we took the long train ride for Sooch to Rourkela and it was miraculously on time!
We woke up and took the morning off and went sightseeing in the Village. The Rourkela
home is so different from Sooch Village as it is in an old house that previously served as
a school. The house is on a small platt of land and the house is old and in need of
continual repair. The conditions are crowded but the culture is truly amazing.
The housemothers are so well bonded with the children. The children are well behaved and
outgoing. Bulldog was the first game we played.
We then went to visit Simdega our home for single mothers. To reach Simdega we
drove through rural India. There are many amazing
stories of the women who have come to us for shelter. We met four women ranging from 17 to 22
years old. The 22 year old came to us and will have her baby and will leave the baby in
our care. She is a lucky one in that her family will still accept her back and she will
have an arranged marriage. Many of our women are totally abandoned.
The Simdega home is a 2 story house with rooms that open to the light. It is an amazing
place that is very peaceful. We held a baby that was 9 days old and played with two twin
baby boys that smiled the entire time. There was also the baby we named grumpy pants
because no matter what we did, he just was not going to be happy.
We learned how to change Indian diaper and Katie was peed on. Just part of
dealing with babies! We care for these women through delivery and then they
stay with us for 20 days after they deliver. This service is so valuable and many
lives have been saved by these efforts.

Miracle Foundation