Stories and Blogs

Career Counselling- Bethel

Our Education Co-ordinator, Bhavana recently conducted a career counselling session with the children at Bethel. Considering that there were several children who will appear for their Class 10 exams early next year, we found it of utmost importance to help the children understand the career opportunities open for them. The participating children were from classes 8th to 10th.

Briefing session with the caregiving staff and the coaching teachers

Children assemble for the counselling session

Education Co-ordinator, Bhavana answers the queries of the coaching teachers

The session began with an activity where the children were asked to associate their names with an adjective. Children came up with interesting and amazing answers to the activity. They also expressed their ambitions, the career path they have mapped for themselves and how they think they can reach their goals.

Though few children were certain about the subjects they would be choosing, there was another set of children who were absolutely clue less. Bhavana took each child’s concern and query and explained in details about the various professions and vocational courses. The group also discussed the career prospects offered by various courses.

The children were also given a brief about colleges and universities, scholarships , entrance exams and even the fees structures. We were amused with queries about how to apply to universities abroad, how to get passports and visa formalities. Someone has rightly said, dreams and ambitions surpass the most difficult hurdles with determination and hard work. These kids are well aware of the world around them and extremely keen to get out their to find their dreams.

Bhavana with the inquisitive lot !

The children gave an extremely positive and enriching feedback about the session. Few of them came up to Bhavana after the session and spoke to her on one to one basis. They now had a clear idea about how to map their way to reach their goals. Hard work and awesome marks will help them along their journey.

December 19, 2013 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation