Chirag is one of two Child Care Institutions (CCIs) under the umbrella organization Jeevodaya Society.

In the 1990s, Jeevodaya Society’s Founder, Sister Clara, spent her days caring for children from disadvantaged communities living at a train station. The children survived by selling scraps and eating leftovers found in trash cans. Sister Clara saw them mistreated and abused and was moved to take action to improve their situation.

In 2001, the Railway Department was so inspired by her dedication they gave Sister Clara a small room in the station to care for and teach the children. By 2005, she was ready to support more children and built Chirag, a Child Care Institution (CCI) for girls.

Chirag is now home to 34 bright girls. They benefit from a strong support system, far from the cruelty and uncertainties of platform life. The girls truly embody the values they are taught. They are expressive and love to speak their minds. Today they are living healthy lives in a loving and secure environment. They are excited about their futures and are always working to make it even better.

The Miracle Foundation began working with Chirag in December 2014. We provide the children with clothing, toiletries, school supplies, school uniforms, and tutoring. We are also working with Chirag’s management team to provide comprehensive healthcare, nutritious meals, life skills education, career counseling, and housemother training – all essential elements for transforming the orphanage into a loving home. Additionally, we have hired a full-time, on-site social worker to provide guidance to the children and staff.

We are thrilled to see how these changes have not only improved the children’s lives, but the lives of Chirag’s dedicated staff as well.

Thanks to all our supporters for helping to make their dreams possible!