Dear All,

More than half of the year 2014 has passed and it was been wonderful for us. We have signed new homes, brought on board new team members, we are learning and executing new methodologies and evolving as an organization every day. The acknowledgement and love we have received from our supporters has been overwhelming. It has motivated us to move forward charged with zeal and enthusiasm.

At the Miracle Foundation we believe that education is a crucial aspect of helping children reach their full potential and should be addressed with complete focus along with the child’s healthcare and nutrition requirements. This month, we introduce to you A CHILD’S RIGHT TO QUALITY EDUCATION. By this right, we mean that every child receives a quality education, supplemental enrichment programs, and access to higher education and/or vocational training as appropriate to their abilities and interests.


An astounding eight million 6 to 14 year-olds in India were out-of-school in 2009. It was in the same year that the government of India took an historic step when they passed the landmark Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act. For the first time in India’s history, every child in the country is guaranteed a quality elementary education. This Act entitles every child his or her right to get a quality elementary education, and that the State, with the help of families and communities, fulfils this obligation. It focuses on keeping the education imparted as child friendly and child-centered

Education Strengthening

We require our homes to fulfill and support the following requisites to ensure every child makes the most of this important RIGHT.

  • Each child of school age attends school.
  • Every school-age child receives coaching support.
  • Children above the age of 15, receive aptitude testing in order to determine his/her academic abilities and long-term educational goals.
  • Trained tutors/on-site educators present at the home
  • There is designated study time for all children
  • All children have adequate school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, erasers, pencil sharpeners, etc.
  • All children have a good quality backpacks, uniforms and school shoes.
  • Designated study space designed to promote learning is provided.
  • The NGO should identify linkages for vocational training and higher education.
  • With our support, the children’s home should organize at least 1 field trip in year.
  • Present information to all eligible children regarding higher education opportunities that are available.
  • Active communication maintained with the educators at school
  • Maintain an educational folder that is accessible to children. The folder contains report cards, educational records, educational goals, and career plans for all children.
  • Educational progress (ex: grades on tests) is tracked by the children’s home.
  • The housemothers discuss the children’s grades and progress with the child when grades are made available.

Apart from the above, The Miracle Foundation works with each home to:

  • Hire teachers (including high-level educators specializing in math, science, and English) to tutor the children.
  • Purchase portable study desks so the children.
  • Provide reading materials and start a library to foster an interest in reading and learning
  • Purchase often scarce school supplies and stationery.
  • Supply new school uniforms, shoes, and socks.
  • An Enhanced Education Program, including:
    • Computer lab and computer training
    • Library and resource/recreation centre
    • Assessment and career planning for each child
    • Advanced education (either vocational training or university) as best suits each child’s aptitudes and interests

The older kids across homes have been counselled by trained professionals regarding their career aptitudes. Just last month, our Program Managers & Coordinators under-went a Teacher’s Training Program. Starting this August, the Education Coordinator along with the Program Team will administer the same to the coaching teachers at the homes. The goal is make learning fun for kids and less of a task.

As we go through the month, I will acquaint you in details about our initiatives around the Right To Education and education in general.

Stay tuned till the next.

Much gratitude & respect,

Snigdha Raha

Communication & Sponsorship Co-ordinator,

Miracle Foundation India