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On My Way Home

It’s Saturday at 8 AM and I’m currently at London-Heathrow airport. I’ve been traveling since 7 AMish Friday morning, when we took the first rail ride from JSG, Orissa, India to Ranchi, Jharkand, India.

After a short weather delay, we made our way to Delhi and I got on a British Airways flight at 2:10 AM. I somehow managed to sleep for the first eight hours of the trip and woke up with just over an hour left on the flight. I started Primary Colors on my headset television, ate a vegetarian breakfast and we landed in London.

London-Heathrow is by far the busiest airport I’ve been to on this trip. There is a ton of activity going on and I can actually understand most of the language being spoken. That hasn’t happened in about two weeks. I couldn’t even tell what language my fellow travelers the American college girls were speaking half the time. Can I feel that old at age 25?

From London, it’s a ten hour flight to Dallas and then a short hop to Austin. After waking up at 4:30 AM India time on Friday, I will get back into Austin just after 6 PM on Saturday.

I’m a bit tired and needing a shower. Since people watching in the airport is what I’ll be doing for the rest of this trip, I’m a bit angry I had to leave the country with the most beautiful women in the world to come to, ahem, London. Let’s just say they’re…uhhh…different looking here than Indian women.

Maybe it’s the high beer intake here in England?

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