Businessman and visionary Gautam Bali has supported Miracle Foundation India for many years. Mr. Bali is currently the Managing Director of Vestige Marketing Pvt. Limited. An ethical and responsible leader, Mr. Bali has left no stone unturned to do his part for society, always supporting those in need.
Since 2013, Vestige has been a key funding partner of Miracle Foundation India through their CSR arm, Vestige Heart to Heart Foundation. In perfect alignment with Miracle’s vision, Vestige Heart to Heart Foundation empowers underprivileged children by alleviating their physical, mental, and economic suffering.
For the past three years, Mr. Bali and Vestige have made miracles for the 150 children at Anbarasi children’s home in Tamil Nadu. Vestige has provided funding for coaching teachers, who have helped the children perform better on exams, practice their critical thinking skills, and be more confident in school.
Vestige’s impact has been significant! The children at Anbarasi are now dreaming BIG – about becoming teachers, doctors, fashion designers, chefs, and more. They are on the path to becoming independent adults and global citizens!
With Vestige’s support, the children are enjoying nutritious, delicious food. This in turn improves the children’s health metrics, ensuring stable hemoglobin levels and improved BMI measurements.
Mr. Bali’s continued support and encouragement has been instrumental in our partnership with Vestige. Because of Mr. Bali and Vestige, the children at Anbarasi are thriving, receiving life-changing nutrition and poverty-breaking education. These children have promising futures.
Thank you Mr. Bali and Vestige for your incredible support!
Meet Miracle Maker, Gautam Bali