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Hello Hindu Mahila Mandiram (HMM)!

Hindu Mahila Mandiram (HMM) joined the Miracle family in May 2015 and is our first Child Care Institute (CCI) we have partnered in the Indian state of Kerala. The organization was founded by seven women in 1918, and it is now governed and led by a Board and staff of independent, high-achievement women. The HMM Board and staff members are highly educated and dedicated to supporting girls and children.

HMM is led by Ms. Sreekumari, who is the granddaughter of one of HMM’s founders. Having completely devoted her life to HMM, Ms. Sreekumari has been associated with the organization for more than five decades.

HMM is home to 102 girls between the ages of 5-20. HMM sits on three and a half acres of land. The buildings are old, but well maintained. The HMM campus is also home to various community strengthening programs, such as schools, a vocational training center, child care centers, and a girls boarding school.

The children share a very close bond with each other, and the older girls act as big-sister figures to the little ones. The older girls help the little kids with their homework and make sure they eat meals on time. The mutual bonds they share are heart-warming.

Using our holistic approach, we are helping HMM hire housemothers to create a loving, family environment. We are also hiring an expert social worker to provide guidance and counseling to the children and housemothers. In order to ensure the children have a healthy, happy childhood, we are providing nutritious food, regular health check-ups, vaccinations, clothing, and administrative support. The girls will be given regular coaching support to supplement their learning in school, and each child will participate in life skills education every month. We will also help HMM roll out and implement their Child Protection Policy.

We are excited to be able to support the incredible children, caregivers, and leadership at Hindu Mahila Mandiram children’s home!

Miracle Foundation