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Transforming Children’s Lives through Family Strengthening

Sumit (name changed) and his younger sister belong to a tribal community in Latehar in Jharkhand. Following the untimely death of her husband, Sumit’s mother faced immense challenges, including severe economic hardships. Despite working tirelessly as a laborer, she struggled to support Sumit and his younger sister. When the situation became unmanageable, Sumit was placed in a Child Care Institution (CCI), while his sister was sent to live with a relative in Ranchi, where she worked as a helper.

When Miracle Foundation India’s team began facilitating the reunification of children living in institutional care with their families, Sumit was also identified for reintegration. A comprehensive assessment by the social worker, however, highlighted the family’s dire socio-economic situation. Recognizing the need for a multi-faceted approach, focused efforts were initiated to facilitate Sumit’s return home.

As part of those interventions, extensive counseling sessions were conducted to help Sumit’s mother overcome her fears about bringing him back home, given the hardships they had faced. Emotional support was provided to them, helping them reconnect and adjust to their new circumstances.

Sumit’s mother was enrolled in the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, ensuring access to essential healthcare, and a ration card was secured to promote their food security. Recognizing the importance of empowering her, she was also encouraged to join a local self-help group aimed towards not just making her financially independent but also bringing her community support. To ensure a sustainable livelihood, they were provided with goats, which helped augment their income. Additionally, sponsorship for Sumit was sought to further ease the family’s financial burden.

Meanwhile, Sumit’s sister was also successfully brought back from Ranchi. The process of enrolling her in Kasturba Gandhi Residential School, where she could receive free education, is now underway and is slated to join starting the next session. Besides, through the Ambedkar Awas Yojana, efforts are being made to enable the family to repair their house, thereby creating a safer and more stable living environment.

Sumit’s successful reintegration with his family, where he continues his education in a government school, has brought not just him but his entire family a sense of stability they once thought impossible.

Inspired by such stories of transformation, we strengthen our resolve towards promoting family-based care and strengthen community partnerships to ensure that every child grows up in a loving and supportive environment.

Miracle Foundation