Stories and Blogs

Right To Equal Opportunities

Dear All,

This month, I shall introduce you to A CHILD’S RIGHT TO EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES. By this right we mean that every child receives the same opportunities regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, origin, economic status, religion, creed, and/or handicapping condition. To ensure that children meet the the needs of this right, our associate homes are expected to-

  • Provide equal treatment to all individuals.

Staff provides equal treatment to every child regardless of the child’s gender, race, ethnicity, handicapping conditions, natural origin, economic status, religion or creed.

Girls of all ages living at the home are treated with respect and dignity. Discrimination, violence, and unfair or cruel treatment towards girls (Girl-Child crisis) does not occur.

  • The NGO provides equal  educational opportunities
  • Every child attends school and educational centers based on his or her individual needs and abilities, and not based on gender, age, ethnicity, origin, economic status, religion, creed.

  • Every child has equal opportunity to participate in onsite supplemental programs such as English class, after school coaching sessions, etc.

These were just a few key points integral to the RIGHT TO EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES.As we move through the month, I will throw more light on this particular right and bring you lots of stories from across our homes.

Thank you for always being there for us.

Much love and respect,

Snigdha Raha

Communication & Sponsorship Co-ordinator,

Miracle Foundation India

June 4, 2014 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation