Request for Proposal (RFP) For Selection of Resource Center

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is aimed at seeking detailed proposals from organizations interested in becoming Resource Centers for scaling and sustaining the work done by Miracle Foundation India on Family Strengthening (FS) and Family-Based Alternative Care (F-BAC). These Resource Centers will act as a FS and F-BAC training and mentoring know-how hubs to be locally available to support the child protection system in accomplishing their intervention plans.

About Miracle Foundation

Miracle Foundation is a nonprofit that helps children in vulnerable situations to find a safe, stable and permanent family. Whether in a Child Care System or at risk of separation, our vision is a family for every child in our lifetime.

For the past 22 years, Miracle Foundation has improved the lives of more than 164,000 children — but this is just the beginning. Today, we are a worldwide leader ending the need for Child Care Institutions by 2040. To achieve this, we are actively uniting children with families, partnering with Governments, training the social work force to prevent children from entering the system, and we are creating technology to easily scale our work.

Founded in 2000, Miracle Foundation has earned the highest rating by the US-based Charity Navigator, an organization that evaluates charities for effectiveness and financial transparency.

About the programme

The essence of Miracle Foundation India’s scale-up strategy is to build an innovative model for long-term change that reaches out to every child at risk of separation or who needs to be reintegrated back to family/family-based alternative care options (F-BAC).

As part of its work, Miracle Foundation India will be working in partnership with the Resource Centers to:

  • Build the capacities of the child protection functionaries at the State and District levels.
  • Facilitate work with the trained child protection functionaries to demonstrate implementation of the models of transitioning children from CCIs to safe and permanent reintegration in families/F-BAC options.
  • Gatekeeping at the level of CWC and in order to prevent children’s separation from their families.
  • Ensure that all across, programme interventions are driven by the voices of children, youth, and that care leavers and youth are enabled to lead a meaningful and productive life.

The objective of this RFP is to develop a strategic partner alliance for an initial engagement of two years. Miracle Foundation India seeks to get a response to this RFP in order to select preferred partners who are aligned with the agenda of FS and F-BAC, and can prepare themselves to be the FS and F-BAC training, know-how and mentoring hubs. The model will be implemented across 7 states of India: Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Tripura.

Scope of work

Miracle Foundation India will be formally engaged with the selected Resource Centers. The roles and responsibilities of a Resource Center includes:


  1. The Resource Centers will provide local support to Miracle Foundation India's team in landscape mapping and planning the intervention before starting the programme activities.
  2. The Chief Functionary of the Resource Center needs to ensure allocation of appropriate Human Resources for the programme.
  3. The Resource Center will work in close collaboration with the District functionaries including Master Trainers on FS and F-BAC.
  4. With reference to the point above, the CWs from the Resource Centers will examine the cases of children in need of care and protection (CNCP) produced before the CWC. In consultation with CWC, the Resource Centers will plan the implementation of the necessary steps of case management to ensure that the child does not get separated from the family.
  5. The Resource Centers will be responsible to facilitate linkages, strengthen Village/Ward Child Protection Committees (V/WCPCs) and mobilize community support for strengthening families where children are in the process of transition, already reintegrated, or to prevent separation.
  6. The Resource Center and Miracle Foundation India will jointly review project's progress on a periodic basis.
  7. The Resource Center will play an active role in organizing learning exchange events in the State.
  8. The Resource Center will participate in cross learning visits, both inter-State and intra-State.
  9. The Chief Functionary or significant other from the Resource Center will form an integral part of the Programme Steering Committees at the District and Division levels.
  10. The Resource Center may support the State Department with evidence generation, documentation and research studies in the State as applicable.

Application process

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by  Miracle Foundation India for identifying Resource Centers at District/Divisional levels to scale the existing projects and ensure impact at the grassroot level. Miracle Foundation India invites an Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested agencies.

Based on the EOI submitted to Miracle Foundation India, the shortlisted organization will undergo a due diligence process undertaken by a third party. This process includes two rounds of screening - virtual interviews followed by in person visits will be conducted by the third party. Thereafter, Miracle Foundation India will initiate the process for formalizing the partnership with the selected organization.

Interested organizations may submit the EOI for this RFP by clicking on the button below.

And all required documents to be mailed to, with subject line-
Resource center: Name of the organization: Location. The last date of submission is 15th February 2023.

Content of the Proposal


  • Organizational Profile
    • Name of the Organization
    • Year Founded
    • Established By (Include Founding Story, please free to attach separate pages if required)
    • Name of Chief Functionary (Please provide the phone/mobile number and email ID)
    • Address
      • Registered Office
      • Correspondence Office
      • Address of Child Care Institution (write N/A if not applicable)
      • Address of field office, if any
    • Contact Details
    • Telephone:
    • Fax:
    • Email:
    • Registration and Licenses
      • Date of Registration under Society/Trust Act/Companies Act
      • Registration number
      • Whether the agency has been certified as a “Fit Institution” under The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2015 (write N/A if not applicable and please attach the copies of certificate if applicable)
      • FCRA registration number and year of registration
      • Details of 80G and 12A
      • Memorandum of Association (MoA)
      • Financial statements for last 3 years
      • Income Tax returns for last 3 years
      • FCRA annual returns for last 3 years
  • Human Resource and Infrastructure
    • List Governing Council members, Executive /Management Committee members (Names, numbers & Email IDs) 
    • List of Experts/trainers/Consultant Advisors associated:
    • No. of Full-Time Staff and Part-Time Staff (FT and PT)
      • Full Time Staff
      • Part Time Staff
      • Volunteers
    • Average experience (in years) of staff
    • Average stay/association of staff with the organization (in years)
    • Whether any Government employee is the office bearer of the NGO: (If yes, please give details)
    • Number and type of Beneficiary Stakeholders (eg: families, children, communities, etc.)
    • Assets in the form of Land/Building/Equipment (movable and immovable) etc. at all the locations.
  • Projects
    • Area of core competencies:
    • Experience with work in Child Protection, particularly Community-Led Child Protection Mechanisms and Family-based alternative care
    • Age ranges of children supported (Write N/A if you do not work with children)
    • Organization’s response to COVID (like executing projects, change of strategies, the support provided to families and children during COVID and lockdown, etc.)
    • Describe the experience of working closely with the Government in projects undertaken by the organization
    • List all the projects undertaken by the organization, with details of:
      • The projects
      • Duration of the projects
      • Area of intervention
      • Project supported/sponsored by
      • Annual Budget (Optional)
      • Geographical Location
  • Partnership and Collaborations
    • Please mention the organization’s association with the network
      • At local level
      • At State level
      • At national level
      • At international level
    • Please mention organization’s collaborations with other organization for meeting its objectives
  • Finances
    • What are sources of fund for the organization (Please select):
      • Corpus
      • Endowment
      • Donation
      • Government Grant
      • Donor’s grant (foreign)
      • Others (please specify)
    • Does the NGO have any outstanding debts? (If yes, please give details)
    • Whether blacklisted by any Government department or terminated. (If yes, give reasons)
  • Other Documents
    • In light of the RFP, please give a rationale as to why your organization should be onboarded.
    • Please provide a minimum of 3 references who know the organization in a professional capacity
  • Declaration
    I declare that all the information given above is true and correct.
    (Signature and Seal of Competent Authority).

Disclaimer: This RFP is not an offer to contract, nor should it be construed as such; it is a definition of specific requirements by Miracle Foundation India and an invitation to recipients to submit a responsive proposal addressing such requirements. The issuance of this RFP, submission of a response, and the subsequent receipt and evaluation of your response by Miracle Foundation India does not constitute a commitment by Miracle Foundation India to award a contract to any bidder even if all the requirements stated in the RFP are met.

Subject to the RFP terms and fulfillment of all requirements, MIRACLE FOUNDATION INDIA will, at its discretion, contact you about the outcome of your response to this RFP when a decision is made. While we welcome procedural questions about this RFP, you are required to refrain from making any inquiries about the evaluation of your responses.

For any queries and clarification related to the EOI form/content please write to

Miracle Foundation