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 “Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.” ~Greg Anderson

 2020 was a year that will be etched in history as those 365 days that brought about rapid changes and tested the best of all of us. As the world’s economic environment evolved, organizations too discovered new ways to adapt themselves to this change.

Since its initiation, Miracle Foundation has held strongly on its culture and exhibits those values in every way possible. We stand with pride on our 6Ps - People, Positive, Passionate, Problem Solver, Progress & Playful. When the world was hit with COVID and as an organization, we undertook changes to adjust to the new normal - our people were core to us in adapting to the new norms.

Prioritizing employee health and safety in the workplace, mental health and organization culture became the fulcrum of all our activities. We initiated (and continue) a holistic approach by supporting our employees’ mental health and keeping them engaged with psychosocial considerations.

  • Protect, both, mental and physical health - Beyond all our physical protection measures in place, we ensured that employees know where to find information, guidance and support for mental health as well as other pandemic-induced issues.We created a personal, one-on-one channel to listen to the way the employees are feeling, listening and responding.
  • Keep the team connected and feeling supported in isolation
    The team conducted a staff survey to comprehend the challenges faced while working remotely and encouraged employees to connect with each other on a regular basis to build interpersonal bonds.In a remote working environment, we made it a point to not only check on work-related duties, but also on how their families and they themselves were faring.

Boost motivation and engagement

We incorporated a couple of significant additions in our practices and processes for better adaptability to the circumstances.

Heartfulness Workshop

One of the experts from Ripples of Change Foundation conducted a 3-day workshop about mindfulness where everyone learned about the approaches we can take towards Meditation, relaxation, and self-development through self-practice. It inculcated a sense of resilience, inner wellness and heartfulness among Miracle employees amidst a period of isolation.

Chai-Pe-Fun Meet

We brought our regional teams together virtually for an informal session and casual games. We believe that such sessions develop a sense of belongingness in a time where we have limited our contact and are isolated at home.

Virtual yoga sessions

We organized yoga sessions to remind ourselves about the importance of stretching during long work hours.

Informal Virtual meetings

We conducted personal, one-to-one calls as much as possible to understand their challenges pertaining to work, mental and physical wellbeing during this tumultuous time.

Virtual Diwali Celebration

We didn’t leave the opportunity to celebrate Diwali like every year. Decked up in the best of our traditional attire, we got together to celebrate the festival filled with laughter and care for each other.

We are in the business of people. Our first goal is to love the children we serve, care for the people we love and the people who help us to do our jobs better. As we crusade through another unpredictable year, we are together in this and marching forward as one team for every child out there who dreams of returning to its family safely.

Swati Ojha (Associate Director - HR, Admin & Legal) & Meenu Chawla (Coordinator- HR)

August 25, 2021 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation