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Our thanks to Amanda Wolf!

Our sincere thanks to Amanda Wolf, Anderson High School National Honor Society member, for organizing and hosting a charity/bake sale benefiting The Miracle Foundation this past Saturday (April 14) at Lakewood Community Center.  Because of Amanda’s excellent preparation and organization, it was an incredibly successful event and not only raised awareness of The Miracle Foundation, but also more than $500 to help support our precious kids in India!

Some of the Volunteer Crew: Michael (Amanda’s Father), Hannah (Volunteer), Amanda (Event Coordinator), Lucas (Volunteer), Jim (TMF Staff), and Mark (Volunteer)

A volunteer manning the cupcake booth

Amanda did an amazing job recruiting her family members, friends, and fellow students to donate items and to help set up and run the event. Matter of fact, her father Michael really pitched in and proved to be an exceptional assistant! The night before the sale, he helped Amanda bake more than 75 delicious cupcakes and tasty cake balls, placed signs throughout the neighborhood directing people to the event, and helped to arrange the numerous donated sale items, including dress shirts, blouses, coats, shoes, toys, knickknacks, as well as a very large umbrella and a bed!

The Miracle Foundation banner hung above a doorway

The Miracle Foundation Information table

The checkout table also had The Miracle Foundation touch!

On the day of the event, Amanda did an outstanding job of coordinating the volunteers, most of whom were fellow members of the National Honor Society. They each took two-hour shifts waving signs outside to direct shoppers to the event, manning the various stations inside, telling customers about The Miracle Foundation, and inspiring them to make a purchase and/or a generous donation. Amanda’s devoted dad even used his exceptional selling skills to successfully sell the bed, large umbrella, and the police radar detection device in record time! And then there was Hannah, a very dedicated volunteer, who worked the entire day, assisting the shoppers and playing with the children.
It was a very successful event and a job well done!  At the end of the day, Amanda continued her good work when she and one of the volunteers delivered the few remaining cupcakes to a nearby organization that benefits the homeless.

Our marquee on Monday morning, expressing our appreciation to Amanda for her dedication to our children!

Thanks Amanda. We so appreciate your efforts, your dedication, and your love and compassion for our children!
April 18, 2012 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation