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One Peace at a Time – Opening Night Celebration this Friday!

This Friday, December 4th, The Nobelity Project, Austin Film Society, and Manuel’s Arboretum are having a fundraiser event, Once Peace at a Time – Opening Night Celebration! This event will celebrate “the national theatrical launch of One Peace at a Time.” The film, One Peace at a Time, by Turk Pipkin shows the possibility of providing the basic rights of food, water, shelter, opportunity, and peace for every child across the world. The proceeds will go towards the construction of Mahiga Hope High School in Kenya.

The Opening Night Celebration will have food by Manuel’s, music by Kat Edmonson, and a special screening of One Peace at a Time. The event has two parties and screenings on December 4th:

5:30 – Reception at Manuel’s Arboretum followed by:
7:00 p.m. Screening at the Arbor

7:30 – Reception at Manuel’s Arboretum followed by:
9:00 p.m. Screening at the Arbor

The tickets are on sale for $50 at www.nobelity.org. This is a great opportunity to have delicious food, hear talented music, and view the screening of Once Peace at a Time.

For more information, visit http://nobelity.org/one-peace-at-a-time/.

Miracle Foundation