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Mothers’ Day Celebration at Anwesha

Dear All,

This morning, I received Mother’s Day celebration pictures from Anwesha. One look at the photographs and I could tell from the smiling faces that everyone enjoyed themselves. Anwesha has three housemothers and one house-father taking care of 48 adorable children. In fact, Anwesha happens to be our only associate home which has a house father taking care of the boys. I have posted few pictures here for you all to see and smile.

The kids with the help of Anwesha’s In-charge and Chief Functionary secretly planned a surprise for their caregivers. The children made a bouquet with hand picked flowers from their campus and presented them to their mothers. The older kids got everyone together and organized a song and dance show to celebrate the occasion. Later during the day, a special luncheon was arranged for everyone.

Housemother Pranati

House-father Aseem

The kids made huge cards for each of their caregivers. The kids The housemothers were touched and sentimental upon receiving the cards.

Housemother Anita with her family group

Housemother Pranati’s family group drew a huge rainbow on her card. The kids know that their Mother loves colors and admires nature and greenery. The kids thought that their card should reflect the things their Mother liked.

Housemother Jayati with her family group.

Housemother Jayati said that it was beyond her imagination that the children would greet her in this way. Her eyes filled up with tears while expressing her love and happiness to the children.

The kids and the housemothers thoroughly enjoyed themselves and created memories that will stay in their hearts forever. At the Miracle Foundation, we want to build and nurture families which will allow these kids to thrive !

Thank you.

Much love and respect,

Snigdha Raha

Miracle Foundation India

May 22, 2014 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation