Make Miracles happen this Mother’s Day
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Ever thought how privileged we are?
While you and I have had the privilege of growing up in the care of our mothers, there are thousands of children in institutional care who have never felt the warmth of loved ones. Many of these children lost their families early on in their lives, thousands were separated due to
poverty to ended up in institutional care, and some never found their way home.
An astounding 80% of these children living in institutions have a living parent or a family member who can take care of them – but only if they get the right support. Yet, they grow up within the four walls of a childcare home.
What do we do?
For more than two decades, Miracle Foundation has been working with institutionalized children to help them return to families and get their rights to family-based care, education, mental health, healthcare, safety and protection, among others.
We cannot do this without you!
Make this Mother’s Day meaningful.
This May, we invite you to participate in our very special Mother’s Day campaign #ThankYouMom.