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Most Indians Proud of Slumdog Millionaire

Last night, the Mumbai based runaway hit movie Slumdog Millionaire cleaned up at the Academy Awards by winning eight prestigious Oscars. And India is proud of it.

“The winners have done India proud,” said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

“I’m at work, but if I didn’t have to be here, I’d be on the street jumping up and down and shouting,” said Mohammed Asif, 26, an employee in a coffee bar in New Delhi. “In spite of the weaker economy, ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ gives us hope. Maybe each of us can go out and win a million dollars too.”

In a country of over 1 billion people, there are of course going to be differing opinions.

Not everyone was overjoyed by the recognition, however. “This is all a big show,” said Nicholas Anthony, 47, who runs a video-game parlor in Dharavi, the Mumbai slum where much of the film was shot. “Just walk around Dharavi and spend a day with the kids here and you will understand that ‘Slumdog’ doesn’t represent Dharavi.”

Chime in with your thoughts on the little movie that could.

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