Q1) Which care leavers network are you a part of? I have joined the Youth Ambassador Programme supported by Miracle Foundation India. There […]
Akshata, our Youth Ambassador speaks with IACN
Pandemic, Education, and beyond…
272 children were sent back to their families in the wake of #Covid lockdowns What happened to their education? When the pandemic first struck […]
Working Definitions
….From the world of organisations and care workers working with children in need of care and protection These definitions are a direct quote from the […]
Ankush Patel: A successful reintegration with the family
Ankush Patel (name changed to protect identity) is a 20 year old boy, now happily settled with his parents. Pursuing a Bachelor’s in Arts (final […]
Sinet Rising
Here’s a story from Miracle Foundation’s global work. Miracle Foundation Youth for Social Impact project is a global initiative to find and encourage young leaders. […]
Empowering children to reach their full potential
Childhood adventures are cherished and are precious memories when heard from the parents as we grow up. These memories are well preserved and celebrated by […]
Every Child Has A Right To Participate
Right to participate is an entitlement that the children have in any decision made for and on behalf of them, affecting them in family, schools, community, […]
#Miraclemoms: family is the best place for children to thrive
Anjana* was eight-year-old and her brother Rohit* was five when the siblings were placed in institutional care. They had lost their parents due to a […]
#MiracleMoms have no boundaries
“My elder brother says that our mother was warm and single-handedly managed home and her work at the textile mill. But when I try to […]
#MiracleMoms: Home Away From Home
Today, Ranju* isn’t able to recall the face of her family but the 40 hours long train journey to a never ending destination without food […]
Building Self-Sufficiency in Families for Successful and Permanent Reintegration
The success of our very first webinar on Safe and Permanent Child Reintegration, held in December 2020, paved the way to starting a discourse on […]
More opportunities for the children and their families
We were on the ground with the mentoring team during a project visit earlier this month. And like always, our most awaited bullet point on […]