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Meet the Chaitanya Happy Home

In April 2016, we began working with Chaitanya Happy Home (CHH), a Child Care Institution (CCI) located in the Indian state of Telangana. The CCI was founded in 2010 by Bandari Jayamma. A strong-willed and respected woman, Jayamma was orphaned at the age of three and raised by her extended family. Jayamma hoped for a happy and secure life after her marriage, but instead endured severe hardship. Because of her experiences, Jayamma became determined to fight for the safety and security of other vulnerable women.

And so she founded CHH, with a mission to fight for the rights of the most vulnerable groups in society. Today, CHH takes care of the children of vulnerable women who dream that their children will be raised with a quality education, empowering them to break out of the cycle of poverty.


CHH is home to 37 girls between the ages of 3 and 14. They are children of vulnerable women, abandoned children, and some are victims of human trafficking who have been rescued by the outreach workers at CHH.

The girls are joyous, expressive, and friendly. They attend English-speaking schools, and so speak English with confidence. Eager to learn and grow, the girls participate in many extra-curricular activities. They take ownership of chores around the home and treat each other with respect.


CHH’s neighbors are extremely kind and generous toward the girls and their home. The girls often play with other local children their age.

Jayamma dreams of improving the quality and depth of care her girls receive, with the help of the Miracle Foundation. And we are so excited to start!

We will help CHH hire housemothers, who will care for the girls as their own and create a family environment in the home. We will help hire a qualified social worker to support the children and staff at CHH. We will bring quality healthcare to the children and provide them with vaccinations and quarterly check-ups. We will conduct life skills education, fund tutors, and help the home develop their own living child protection policy. And we will ensure that each of the girls receives all her rights and is empowered to reach her full potential!

Miracle Foundation