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Life Skills at Anwesha: Self Awareness!

Our amazing trainer, Soma Sinha, recently led a Life Skills Education session for 5-8 year olds at Anwesha orphanage about self-awareness! The session helped the kids reflect on who they are, who they want to be, and the beauty of how every person has unique qualities and talents. Here are some highlights from the session:

Part 1: Icebreaker

The children participated in an icebreaker called “Same and Different.” This is a creative activity that helps kids understand they have various qualities in common with others in the group, and that they also have qualities that make them unique. The children were asked to trace their hands – all different sizes! – and decorate them with bright colors. (They loved the activity because they were expressing themselves through art.) The kids noticed that some of the artwork in the hands was unique to them, and they also noticed some similarities! They did an amazing job listening and following instructions for this activity.

Part 2: Who Am I?

In this next activity, the children explored the different qualities that make them each special and unique. Every child was given a worksheet with a blank t-shirt on it. They were instructed to add designs or words to the page to express specific things about themselves. The children drew specific features of their faces (big eyes, curly hair, etc.), and each face turned out to be a different size, shape, and color. Next, they were told to draw what they were feeling, which was a challenge for many of them to do through art. Many children drew other faces to represent their friends and siblings, and that was only the beginning. Soon, they began to draw colorful flowers, favorite toys, yummy foods, and more! While it was difficult for the children to identify and draw their unique characteristics, hobbies, or passions at first, they quickly began thinking creatively, getting very excited about the activity and filling their page with artwork.

Part 3: Sharing Special Gifts

This final activity ensured everybody left the session feeling happy, loved, and confident! The children took turns forming a circle around one person, and each child in the circle went around saying something nice about the one in the middle. By the end, everybody had received many compliments. At first, the kids were embarrassed and shy about saying something nice out loud to the child in the center, but they quickly got into it and were giving out really kind, thoughtful compliments.

Thank you Soma, for guiding and empowering the sweet children at Anwesha to embrace what makes them each unique and believe in themselves.

Miracle Foundation