Stories and Blogs

July Happenings at Sooch Village

Housemother Training: A regular continuing education program was recently established for the Housemothers at Sooch Village. Through this new monthly program, the Housemothers’ are receiving additional training to further enhance their skills, knowledge base, and self-image. All so they can continue to give the children the love and care they need to thrive. In the July session, the Housemothers reviewed the stages of child development and learned about the importance of female empowerment.

Children’s Talent Show: A talent show was held for the children. They participated in the competition by dancing and singing. Prizes were given out to the winners.

Medical: The monthly medical review included a blood test for every child, as well as the regular monthly documentation of their height and weight measurements.

August 19, 2011 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation