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The unprecedented pandemic of the novel coronavirus disease is one of the worst disasters that affect all of humanity as a whole. On a global scale - healthcare systems have been compromised, education is put on hold, livelihood is at risk and families are struggling.

While healthcare and social service workers are risking their lives to provide for the ones who are most vulnerable and to curb the monster unleashed on mankind, the social toll has been swift and grave.

With COVID-19 rattling the world, its devastation is seen appearing in the children and the economically challenged families that support them. Amidst a crisis of oxygen shortage, these families are also subjected to massive layoffs, insufficient incomes, hunger, and the thought of separating from their children.

Availability of exact data regarding COVID-orphans will require another six months to come into the public domain. Meanwhile, more and more children are facing the risk of family separation or are getting separated. When a parent dies, when food is scarce, when fear is high…institutions can often look like safer options. However, to end the reliance on institutional care of children, we must stop children from ever entering the Juvenile Justice System in the first place.

Miracle Foundation India is committed to its mission of supporting orphans and vulnerable children to have a better quality of life while bringing about systemic and sustainable change that reduces the need for child care institutions (CCIs). We have developed our response to fight these unprecedented times and ensure that each child is taken care of and we continue to support the systematic change required to empower children.

For ready reference, we have created resources that are available to all. The tools and expertise options are listed below:

  1. Ask the Experts: Video FAQ Responses: Video responses will be provided to address the most often asked questions. These can be found here
  2. Accelerated Workshops:
    Based on our comprehensive seminar pieces of training from the team on the ground at the local level, we are offering a condensed version that addresses the needs emerging during this critical time. Social workers and government officials will be able to learn a broad range of information in a relatively short period of time in these online workshops. We will offer a series of workshops: - the first workshop is on ‘Effective Assessment for Safe & Permanent Reintegration’, in English on 23rd June, Wednesday; in Hindi on 25th June, Thursday. We will start the registration process soon. Stay tuned to our social media.
  3. Case Management Toolkit
    Miracle Foundation India has a proven method for bringing children into homes while strengthening families. Our goal is to share what we have learned with our partners on the front lines. Our Child Rights-Centered Case Management Toolkit is a resource that provides hands-on training materials to empower you to get children safely and permanently into families.

      • Case Management Video Series: A set of high-quality animated videos that will walk you through the entire case management process. These are one of a kind.
      • THRIVE Scale™: A one-of-a-kind tool to help you support children and families in your community – identify their needs, link them with resources, and follow up until they thrive!

    You can find the easy-to-use tool here:

  4. Individual Coaching: For anyone seeking more specific answers or wanting more personalized assistance, one-on-one training is also available. Please contact us at safelyhome@miraclefoundation.org

To keep families together and help them sustain, Miracle Foundation India has extended them with ration and hygiene kits- rice, vegetables, pulses, sugar, milk, soaps, sanitary pads, and masks through its various project partners across the country.

The urgency of this moment in history calls for decisive action and Miracle Foundation India is standing on the very front lines of the crisis ready to provide support. By directly distributing daily essentials to the vulnerable families, educating the social workforce, the first point of contact for vulnerable families, more and more children will be kept at home – a huge victory at a time when far too many families are being torn apart.

June 3, 2021 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation