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Introducing Our Mascots, Veera and Saathi

We, at Miracle Foundation India, are delighted to share the exciting news of the launch of our mascots – Veera and Saathi! They were unveiled at the recently-concluded National Family Summit 2025 anchored by us earlier this month in New Delhi.

Veera (EN: Courage), our 25-year-old Youth Ambassador, embodies resilience and determination. Coming from a single-mother household, Veera spent years in institutional care before she was reunited with her mother through an intensive reintegration process that involved strengthening and empowering their family. Bright at academics, she excelled, earning scholarships and is today a junior scientist! Veera now spends her weekends with the community, highlighting the importance of #AFamilyForEveryChild.

Saathi (EN: Friend), our 19-year-old Youth Ambassador, symbolizes kindness and empathy. Orphaned at a young age, Saathi grew up in a Child Care Institution before he was transitioned to a loving foster family. Currently pursuing higher education and exploring his career aspirations, he looks up to Veera as his mentor and guide. Together with Veera, Saathi inspires the community to ensure #AFamilyForEveryChild.

Representing the voices and unique perspectives of care-experienced youth, Veera and Saathi would act as role models for children and youth, inspiring them, and showing that it’s not the adversities but their resilience and potential that define their future. With these figures now all set to enter our program design, curriculum, storytelling and campaigns, we hope to create a more engaging and supportive environment towards ensuring a family for every child by facilitating greater societal awareness and systemic change.

Welcome, Veera; welcome, Saathi!

Miracle Foundation