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Giraffes and Elephants and Monkeys, Oh My!

Every child needs a clean, happy and stimulating environment in which to learn. With this in mind, 14 ambassadors from New York to Seattle leave March 9th to meet the 118 children at Bethel. Together, they’ll paint a beautifully designed landscape scene under the school awning.

Bethel, one of our N.E.S.T. children’s homes, is home to 118 children and operates an English Medium school on-site that supports 278 children from the home and the surrounding community, at minimal to no cost!

The ambassadors and children will paint a colorful, two-story mural illustrating the dramatically changing flora and fauna of the regional landscape (ocean to mountains to jungle) under the awning of the school. It will be complete with giraffes, elephants and monkeys! One of our amazing Austin volunteers, Catherine O’Toole of Astonishing Surroundings, helped draft the beautiful design (included below), along with one of our ambassadors, Mona Chamhidray, who also agreed to lead this project and guide the team on the ground in India.

On the left wall, a beach landscape will be painted with inspirational quotes – “No thing is ever achieved without education”

The center wall will feature a mountain landscape with elephants holding a sign that reads, “Every child is born a genius”.

The third wall will feature a jungle scene with children’s hand prints making the leaves on the trees and the inspirational quote, “The highest form of wisdom is kindness”.

These ambassadors are not only donating their time, sweat and love for these children, they have also taken on the challenge of raising $10,000 to cover the costs for painting the interior and exterior of the school! Every donation helps buy a pint of paint. Click here to give what you can towards the Bethel Mural Project. You’ll feel great knowing you’re helping to foster a more vibrant learning environment for these kiddos!

Stay tuned for more updates on this amazing initiative! Safe travels and happy painting to our ambassador team!

March 7, 2012 CATEGORY: People
Miracle Foundation