Childhood adventures are cherished and are precious memories when heard from the parents as we grow up. These memories are well preserved and celebrated by […]
Empowering children to reach their full potential
Every Child Has A Right To Participate
Right to participate is an entitlement that the children have in any decision made for and on behalf of them, affecting them in family, schools, community, […]
#Miraclemoms: family is the best place for children to thrive
Anjana* was eight-year-old and her brother Rohit* was five when the siblings were placed in institutional care. They had lost their parents due to a […]
#MiracleMoms have no boundaries
“My elder brother says that our mother was warm and single-handedly managed home and her work at the textile mill. But when I try to […]
#MiracleMoms: Home Away From Home
Today, Ranju* isn’t able to recall the face of her family but the 40 hours long train journey to a never ending destination without food […]
Building Self-Sufficiency in Families for Successful and Permanent Reintegration
The success of our very first webinar on Safe and Permanent Child Reintegration, held in December 2020, paved the way to starting a discourse on […]
More opportunities for the children and their families
We were on the ground with the mentoring team during a project visit earlier this month. And like always, our most awaited bullet point on […]
Protecting the Children is a Shared Responsibility
“My child remains silent and aloof for most hours in a day. However, I could never imagine that one of the reasons could be abuse. […]
Enabling Families to Stop Preventable Child Separation
Fundamentally, poverty is a denial of choices and opportunities, a violation of human dignity. It means a lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in […]
Youth Ambassadors – Leading the Way
The right of children to participate in decision-making in all matters that affect their lives is a well‑established legal principle and plays an important aspect […]
Youth Advocacy: Important Imperative at Miracle Foundation
Every child has a right to participate in the decisions taken for them, the decision needs to be in the best interest of the child. […]
Protecting the Rights of children from disadvantaged communities in India
The strategic planning and implementation at Miracle Foundation are guided by child-centric international treaties, conventions, national guidelines, legislations related to orphan & children from disadvantaged […]