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Caroline is speaking at the Austin Asian American Film Festival

Caroline Boudreaux will introduce Turk Pipkin’s film, One Child at a Time at the Annual Austin Asian American Film Festival on November 13.

Caroline will speak and One Child at a Time—a short featuring The Miracle Foundation—will be screened immediately prior to the showing of Ramchand Pakistani at 8 pm at the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar. Directed by Mehreen Jabbar, Ramchand Pakistani is based on a true story that “chronicles the imprisonment of a Pakistani-Hindu father and son from an ‘untouchable’ caste in an Indian prison.”

The 6th Annual Austin Asian American Film Festival (AAAFF) will take place November 12­–15 and will have film screenings at The University of Texas’ Student Union Center and the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar. “AAAFF’s mission is to provide a channel for International Asian/Asian-American artists to promote their work, and to support and bring awareness to the community” (AAAFF, 2009).

Tickets for this event are $8 and sold online at http://shop.aaaff.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=9&products_id=46.

To learn more about the Asian American Film Festival, visit www.aaaff.org.

Austin Asian American Film Festival. (2009). About us. Retrieved October 29, 2009 from http://www.aaaff.org.about.php

Miracle Foundation