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Center for Excellence

Elevating to Excellence

Helping people help themselves is the most sustainable way to affect real change. That’s why Miracle Foundation India provides training to people who care for children without parents. Eight million children globally still do not have a family to live with. We’re determined to change that. Our focus is to transform children’s homes into Centers for Excellence.

A Center for Excellence:
  1. Meets international standards in quality of care
  2. Ensures all 12 Rights of the Child are met
  3. Has been trained in the Miracle Foundation’s method
  4. Measures progress of children using the Miracle Foundation’s Thrive Scale
  5. Builds capacity to help others
  6. Trains other caretakers and leaders to become a Center for Excellence themselves

Dreamland is located in a rural village in the center of Maharashtra. Most of the people in the area are farmers, are below the poverty line and face a severe drought every year. Dreamland runs a school, a science center and offers community programs to 100 villages in the area. Miracle Foundation India began working with Dreamland in February of 2014. At the time, they were working in the best interest of the children but had no way of measuring how they were doing and no real on-the-ground training to help their programs improve. Today, with Miracle Foundation India’s help, their children thrive. Their school is educating hundreds of village children who have access to a computer lab, a library and the science center.

Dreamland’s programs meet all 12 Rights of the Child. Together, in partnership with the state government, they are reaching out to children’s homes in the area to help them measure their effectiveness, build their capacity and provide training to the staff and the children. Dreamland offers programs every month to teach leaders about family-based care programs, how to facilitate adoptions, and how to ensure children are healthy and getting a quality education. They also help them to meet the Miracle Foundation standard of excellence.

Creating Exponential Impact

Miracle Foundation India and Dreamland partnered with the Government of Maharashtra to create the first Center for Excellence in the State. Dreamland is training the leaders of 26 children’s homes in their area on how to ensure children are getting all they need to thrive. This program will impact over 1,000 children.

In addition to working with, and through, governments, we work with other NGOs and large organizations to show them how to measure effectiveness and raise the level of care. Miracle Foundation India does this for any organization dedicated to helping orphans and children from disadvantaged communities.

By bringing people together, the leaders learn from each other and form a community. Working together, they strategize on common problems and come up with innovative solutions. They share best practices and encourage each other to continue to think in the best interest of each child. Ultimately the goal is to find a loving family for every single child.

Each Center for Excellence positively impacts hundreds of children. Leaders are called to a new standard, and children are placed back with their families or with a family that wants to provide the love and nurturing we all need and deserve. These Centers for Excellence facilitate exponential impact for parentless children worldwide.

Miracle Foundation